Friday, 27 April 2012

27.04.12 Waiting for the Consolidated Tender

Nothing happening this week... waiting for the 'consolidated tender’ (final costing, floor plans etc) which will include the contour & soil test results. Hopefully no surprises there and therefore no hidden additional costs.

Fingers crossed we receive some answers next week. 

Sunday, 22 April 2012

21.04.12 The Bronte display home at Lochinvar!

This weekend we walked through a display home of The Bronte @ Lochinvar... WOW!
Now we are really excited.
But this has to be the last display home we visit, because yet again the visit resulted in needing to ask for 'one more change'. lol

The hallway linen cupboard is displayed with a hinged door but it definitely would be much better with a cavity sliding door... so after a nudge from a niece to convince me it would be ok to ask for it, and much creative begging by me... the designer agreed. Niiiice!!

Canberra has never seen as much rain as it has in the past 3 months. Not much at all compared to other places by far, but it doesn't usually rain so often here... let's hope this changes and we don't have a wet winter (usually dry, sunny clear blue sky here around this time of year). Hopefully building will commence in June/July and be finished by Feb 13.

Monday, 16 April 2012

14.04.12 Display Homes and Colour Studio info...

Made a trip this past weekend to Sydney with the aim of seeing McDonald Jones display homes at Kellyville Ridge and the near by Homeworld 5. Wow, just beautiful!!

We saw about 10 display homes and we were quite impressed with every detail.
Exactly the quality we are looking for.

Called our building designer when we got home and he was excited that we visited so many displays but was now nervous as he waited for our long list of changes. lol

We only had 1 change to make - a glass panelled door to the media room instead of a solid door. We think it will make a huge difference in the room.

Yesterday we received a large folder full of brochures and other documents, papers, details...  all from the McDonald Jones 'colour studio' for everything they can offer us. We now need to start deciding which 'colours' and fixtures we will choose, ready for our colour appointment... niiiiiiiiice!!

Colour appointment in Baulkham Hills (day/time) to be confirmed today.

I believe the soil tests will happen in the next week or so.

Very excited!!

Monday, 2 April 2012

30.03.12 Settlement and draft floorplans

Settlement on the land finally took place on Friday 30th March... very exciting and very real.

Further discussions and finalising the floor plan for the house this weekend and have paid our deposit to lock in the contract to build! Even more real now... we are one step closer and a little more excited!!

I think the next step is, 3 weeks from now we will visit a McDonald Jones colour studio to decide on everything for the interior...we are told this will take 8 hrs in one day!
I just hope we get it right and don't end up with mismatched fittings, colours etc.
Looking forward to it, should be fun, excited with a small element of self doubt about getting it right (I guess everyone goes through the same thought process when doing this).